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Use our online calculator to find out which is best and remember the GreaseAway is a 3 in 1 product meaning it can be adapted to 3 different types of grease trap.
The GreaseAway is a user friendly product meaning any competent plumber can install it. We also have a dedicated technical support team to help you all the way.
Scan the QR code on the unit and access flexible maintenance plans to keep you compliant and keep your business running smoothly!
Can detect if something is wrong with any energised parts which extrends the life of the parts and efficiency of the grease extraction.
The only automatic grease trap in the market that can be disconnected without exposing the waste water and can be closed off from the inlet & outlet pipework. This allows for a straight forward swap or clean without the worry of odours smelling in your restaurant.
Repairs and remedial works can be tediace for customers. We offer a solution of leasing the waste water tank. All repairs and maintenance are covered - Meaning no admin and no faff.
Our Grease Away product can change to a passive, GS18 or GS23 Grease trap meaning you dont need to buy a bigger sized unit. Just add or remove items in the grease trap with our patent pending design.
Planning on becoming a grease contractor or simply wanting to add another service to your company. Our products are user friendly and can be installed & maintained by any competant plumber, maintenance or drainage engineer. Contact our commercial team on 01926 956065 or email
Grease Away comes with a built in air vent with a carbon vent to prevent odours in the kitchen.
The GreaseAway grease trap can be full cut off from the inlet & outlet pipework stopping any more flooding in the event of a blockage. Our same day delivery of a cleaned unit can be easily replaced. Our courier will then take the old unit away for inspection and cleaning. No fuss!
No problem, Our products are CE & BSEN1825 certified which are compliant to water board standards.
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